HelpAge International/Ellie Coleman
© Credits

Promoting healthy, safe and resilient workplaces for all

Healthy, safe and resilient workplaces are places where all people can perform their jobs:

  • without getting sick or injured because of their work,
  • with opportunities to enhance their physical and mental health and social wellbeing,
  • while preserving harmony with nature and being protected in case of disaster in the community.

Worldwide 3.5 billion people are working. By promoting efforts to build healthier, safer and more resilient workplaces for all, WHO is seeking to achieve 1 billion more people enjoying healthier working life, and 1 billion more people being better protected at work from health emergencies.

WHO’s work on healthier, safer and more resilient workplaces is directed towards:

  • supporting the development and implementation of national policies and action plans on protection of workers’ health and safety and the environment
  • developing evidence-based interventions for prevention of physical, chemical, biological and psycho-social hazards at work
  • monitoring of occupational and work-related diseases and injuries
  • promoting health, safety and wellbeing of all workers, including migrants and those in precarious employment
  • building workplace resilience to extreme weather events, air pollution, industrial disasters and disease outbreaks and harmony with nature

2 million deaths

from unsafe work

More than 2 million people die every year from work-related diseases and injuries

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Guidelines on mental health at work
An estimated 15% of working-age adults have a mental disorder at any point in time. Depression and anxiety are estimated to cost the global economy US...
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Health workers

This e-tool is intended for use by people in charge of occupational health and safety for health workers at the national, subnational and facility levels and ...

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