Mission and History

Get Healthy Utah is a non-profit organization working to improve healthy eating and active living in Utah through system-level change.

Our Mission: Making Utah a healthier place to live. We partner with state and local leaders to build thriving communities where physical activity, healthy eating, and mental wellbeing are a part of everyday life.

Get Healthy Utah is a statewide organization driving changes to improve the health and quality of life of all Utah residents. There are diverse health disparities across Utah based on where families live, work, and play. Get Healthy Utah works with sector leaders and decision-makers from state and local government, schools, healthcare, and business to implement the policies, infrastructure, and programs that drive health improvements.

Through our partnerships and programs, we have seen firsthand how our work improves the quality of life for Utahns. When we connect cities and towns with the education, resources, and support they need, we help local governments implement health-promoting strategies to create environments that support physical and mental well-being. The result is a healthier, more connected, and more resilient Utah. Reach out to learn how we can help you achieve your goals.

Annual Reports:

Our History

Utah Leaders for Health was formed within the Utah Department of Health. Stakeholders from a variety of sectors interested in improving the health of Utahns including business, university, public health, health care, and government convened periodically. Two subcommittee groups (Healthy Eating and Active Living) were formed.


  • Greg Bell, CEO of the Utah Hospital Association, was asked to chair the organization.  Utah Leaders for Health was pulled out of the Utah Department of Health and established as a non-profit organization.
  • A Stakeholders Retreat was facilitated by Envision Utah. Nearly 50 key leaders from throughout the state met in groups and brainstormed strategies to improving nutrition and physical activity.
  • Sarah Hodson, MS was hired as the Executive Director.

  • Utah Leaders for Health changed its name to Get Healthy Utah.
  • Held the 2nd Annual Get Healthy Utah Stakeholder Retreat.  Over 80 participants representing a variety of sectors met to discuss strategies for moving forward.
  • Get Healthy Utah contracted with Envision Utah and Heart+Mind Strategies to conduct the first ever Utah Health Values Study. Focus groups and an online survey were administered to a representative group of Utahns.

  • Held the 3rd Annual Get Healthy Utah Stakeholders Retreat.  Over 100 participants learned about the Get Healthy Utah Values Study and how to implement the findings in their own work.
  • Joined the United Way Promise Partnership Regional Council and began facilitating the work of the Health Initiative Team.
  • Was involved in policy success related to the Utah Childcare Licensing Rule,  7th and 8th Grade PE Rule Change, and the Utah PTA Non-Food Reward Policy.
  • Received funding from the Governor’s Office of Economic Development.

  • Held the 4th Annual Get Healthy Utah Stakeholders Retreat.  Over 120 participants attended and learned about the National Diabetes Prevention Program and the Small Steps for Better Health Toolkit.
  • Provided $20,000 in essential funding for the Double Up Food Bucks Program.
  • Received funding from the Governor’s Office of Economic Development.

  • Held the 5th Annual Get Healthy Utah Stakeholder Retreat.  Over 140 participants learned about the Health Improvement Index and how to address the social determinants of health.
  • Worked to support the approval of the updated Core Standards for Health Education.
  • Received funding from the Utah Cancer Action Network to improve student access to healthy foods.
  • Received funding from the Governor’s Office of Economic Development.
  • Worked on Best Practice for Recess Guidelines with the Utah State Board of Education.

  • Secured ongoing funding from the Governor’s Office of Economic Development.
  • Introduced the Healthy Utah Community designation program in partnership with the Utah League of Cities and Towns.
  • Established the Get Healthy Utah Advisory Council.
  • Provided fresh fruits and vegetables to five school districts throughout Utah.
  • Worked with the Kem C. Gardner Institute and the Utah League of Cities and Towns to survey municipal leaders about community health.

  • Alysia Ducuara, MS, was hired as Executive Director.
  • Held 7th Annual Get Healthy Utah Stakeholder Retreat in-person and socially-distanced. Participants learned how to improve healthy eating and physical activity through a systems-level approach.
  • Received new funding from the Utah Department of Health to promote access to the National Diabetes Prevention Program.
  • Continued to promote the Healthy Utah Community designation.

  • Held 8th annual Get Healthy Utah Stakeholder Retreat with the theme, "Building Healthier Communities."
  • Updated the application requirements for the Healthy Utah Community designation and began offering community mini-grants.
  • Piloted a Health in All Policies approach with three cities: Manti, Millcreek, and West Valley.
  • Received funding from the Utah Cancer Action Network to improve health policy work in the state.
  • Convened the Healthy People, Active Utah partner group.
  • Expanded staff by hiring a part-time Communications Coordinator.

  • Held the 9th Annual Get Healthy Utah Stakeholder Retreat, emphasizing mental wellbeing and social connection.
  • Organized the Active People, Healthy Utah Partner Group.
  • Organized the Healthy Utah Policy Group.
  • The first round of cities and towns were redesignated Healthy Utah Communities.
  • Partnered with the Utah Foundation to develop the Healthy Community Reports.

  • Celebrating our ten-year anniversary!
  • Partnered with Utah Foundation and Guiding Our Growth to host ten Healthy Utah Community Roadshow events around the state.
  • Partnered with Bike Utah and Move Utah to host the Connected Communities Summit.