- Population: 900
- Designation Year: Spring 2021, Spring 2024
As a small rural town, Annabella has worked hard to support the health of its residents. The citizens of Annabella are each provided a key to the town’s community center, which is complete with a gym and basketball court. There are connected walking and biking trails throughout the area, which are mapped on a town kiosk and will soon be added to the town’s website. To promote healthy eating, Annabella has a community garden and to address mental wellbeing, the town promotes the use of the SafeUT mental health app.
- A relationship with the local health department
- A resource page on town website to assist in accessing healthy foods, physical activity, and mental health resources
- A local gym that is very affordable and accessible to residents. Also a reduced rate for seniors
Access to Healthy Food
- A community garden sponsored by the local church
Active Living
- Free and/or low-cost community sports/fitness programs for adults and children
- Connected walking and biking trails
Mental Health
- Promoted the use of the SafeUT app in schools and other community centers
- Copied and provided flyers at the post office for the SafeUT app.
2024 Redesignation:
To be redesignated in Spring 2024, Annabella added new fitness opportunities to their local Community Center. They made significant enhancements to the exercise room, purchasing a new state-of-the-art Smith machine and free weights. Since the installation of the new equipment, youth participation in the exercise room has tripled. Based on community feedback, they also added a volleyball net to the facility, which has resulted in frequent volleyball practices. Furthermore, The Town Council is actively pursuing the installation of a brand-new playground to replace the existing one, and the Trails Committee is working to provide comprehensive information about the scenic trails surrounding Annabella.
Active Living
- Improved the fitness equipment available at the local community center. Added equipment requested specifically by youth, tripling the amount of youth attendees.