Fruit Heights
- Population: 6,600
- Designation Year: Spring 2022
Sitting along the east bench of the Wasatch Mountains, Fruit Heights has numerous connected walking and biking trails, including the scenic Bonneville Shoreline Trail. Their trails are a great source of community pride and are regularly used by the local high school for cross-country meets and mountain biking competitions. Fruit Heights even organized a trail day where residents came together to clear deadfall and debris from along the Gailey Trail at Nicholls Park. Over 200 volunteers assembled to improve over 1.5 miles of trail. The city also organized a health coalition that works to promote health, safety, and community programming and works in tandem with the Davis County Health Department.
- A relationship with the local health department
- Health-related objectives in our general plan
- A moderate income housing plan
- Coordinated with the UDOT Move Utah Program to improve active transportation planning and implementation
- Coordinated with Bike Utah on the 1,000 Miles Campaign
Access to Healthy Food
- A community garden
- A written requirement addressing healthy food and beverage choices at city/town-sponsored functions
Active Living
- A written guideline that promotes active transportation/physical activity for city employees
- Conducted a walkability audit
- Connected walking and biking trails
- An active transportation plan
- An ordinance that requires new subdivisions to provide sidewalks and lights
- Wayfinding signage that promotes active transportation
Mental Health
- At least one evidence-based program or initiative that provides education, awareness, and training to community members around mental health
- Promoted the use of the SafeUT app in schools and other community centers