- Population: 24,690
- Designation Year: Fall 2024
To earn the Healthy Utah Community designation, Hurricane organized a new community health coalition and implemented strategies to improve community health. To support active living, they installed a new walking and biking trail and passed an ordinance that requires all new developments to provide sidewalks and street lighting. To promote healthy eating, Hurricane offers free gardening classes at the local community center and has an ordinance that allows for backyard agriculture. Hurricane also supports mental health by offering free medication disposal events, limiting the locations of smoking and vaping shops, and offering free guided tours of the city to increase a sense of belonging.
Active Living
- Develop a new walking/biking trail
- Adopt an ordinance that requires new subdivisions to provide sidewalks and lights
Access to Healthy Food
- Host a community program to promote healthy eating
- Adopt ordinances that allow backyard poultry and animal husbandry
Mental Health
- Implement a strategy to promote safe use and disposal of medications
- Implement policies that limit access to addictive substances
- Implement a program or establish an area of the community that promotes connection with nature