- Population: 10,012
- Designation Year: Fall 2024
Ivins earned the Healthy Utah Community designation by organizing a new health coalition and improving active living, healthy eating, and mental health in its community. To support active living, the city created a new walking and biking trail, as well as filled in four key gaps in its active transportation network. This ensures that residents can get around the community safely without a car. To support healthy eating, Ivins allows residents to engage in backyard agriculture, and the city partnered with Rocky Vista University to publish regular articles about healthy food and nutrition in the city newsletter. For mental health, the city provides mental health screenings and resources for its first responders and created a Victims Advocate Coordinator position to support victims of crime.
Active Living
- Address active transportation connectivity gaps between key community destinations
- Develop a new walking/biking trail or add to an existing one
Access to Healthy Food
- Conduct a messaging campaign to promote healthy eating
- Adopt ordinances that allow backyard poultry/animal husbandry
Mental Health
- Implement one new worksite wellness strategy around mental health among city employees
- Increase awareness of mental health hotlines or local resources available in the community