

  • Population: 5,100
  • Designation Year: Fall 2021, Fall 2024
  • For a relatively small city, Kanab is brimming with fitness amenities that the whole community enjoys, such as tennis courts, trails, a skate park, and a track. The city also sponsors free community events, including nutrition classes and fitness workshops that are accessible to all residents. To promote healthy eating, Kanab grocery stores offer healthy checkout lanes featuring nutritious snacks. Kanab also provides medication disposal services and free gunlocks to community members to help prevent mental health crises. To engage families in health, Kanab organized a healthy school competition between elementary school students and their parents. Pedometers were handed out to track steps for 20 days, ultimately recording over 27 million steps! The program was so successful, Kanab is making it an annual event.


    2024 Redesignation

    To be redesignated, the City of Kanab worked to improve access to healthy food and to support mental health. The city organized a local produce sharing program for residents to donate and distribute extra produce from their garden, as well as hosted and advertised regular farmers markets featuring locally grown fruits and vegetables. To support mental health, Kanab hosted a Reimagining Mental Health event at their local park where they offered free mental health activities including yoga, breathwork, animal therapy, and booths with community resources.

  • Collaboration:
    • A relationship with the local health department
    • Health-related objectives in the general plan
  • Access to Healthy Food:
    • Healthy checkout lanes at grocery stores
  • Active Living:
    • Free and/or low-cost community sports/fitness programs for adults and children
    • Provided guidance on joint-use agreements for facilities in their community that can be used for physical activity
  • Mental Health:
    • At least one evidence-based program or inititiative that provides education, awareness, and training to community members around mental health
    • Medication disposal services, locations, or programs
    • Gun locks available for free for community members