

  • Population: 32,760
  • Designation Year: Fall 2024
  • Kaysville City works hard to prioritize health in its community. To earn the designation, the city made improvements to its Bonneville Shoreline Trailhead, adding an expanded parking lot, drinking fountain, and restroom facilities. The city also created an employee wellness program that reimburses gym memberships and awards its employees with paid time off for exercising. To support healthy eating, Kaysville allows beekeeping and raising chickens in its residential areas and partners with the Utah Food Bank to offer free food to families in need at its city parks. To support mental wellbeing, The Kaysville Police Department puts its officers through a 40-hour crisis intervention course that trains officers on how to respond to individuals suffering from mental health crises and prevent suicide. The Police Department also employees a full-time victim services advocate with an in-house therapy dog, named Walter, who works with victims of crime and abuse.