- Population: 96,127
- Designation Year: Spring 2021, Spring 2024
Sandy City is home to Healthy Sandy, one of the longest running healthy community coalitions in the state. Healthy Sandy has a strong partnership with the Salt Lake County Health Department and is made up of volunteers and city leaders who advocate for better health in the community. Recently, Healthy Sandy helped fund trail markers and safety information for the Bell Canyon Trail. Sandy City also has an active transportation plan that includes connected walking and biking trails. Sandy City addresses healthy eating by supporting community gardens and is working on a sustainability effort to reduce consumption of sugary drinks.
- A relationship with the local health department
- A resource page on the city website to assist in accessing healthy foods, physical activity, and mental health resources
Active Living
- Free and low-cost community sports/fitness programs for adults and children
- Connected walking and biking trails
- An active transportation plan
- An ordinance that requires new subdivisions to provide sidewalks and lights
Access to Healthy Food
- A community garden
- Other: Working on a sustainability effort to lessen soda and sugary drinks, as well as individual plastic bottles for reusable water refill stations
Mental Health
- At least one evidence-based program or initiative that provides education, awareness, and training to community members around mental health
- Promoted the use of the SafeUT app in schools and other community centers
- Medication disposal services, locations, or programs
2024 Redesignation:
To be redesignated in Spring 2024, Sandy worked on various strategies to elevate health and wellbeing in the community. Sandy launched the Healthy Sandy Champion program, which shines a spotlight on businesses and individuals who go above and beyond to promote good health, safety, and wellness in the city. The city also adopted a new active transportation plan and is working hard to address pedestrian and cycling infrastructure, as well as adding new trail segments. The city is proud to offer many fun opportunities to get physically active, such as community sports programs (including a scholarship option) and local events such as 5k runs and Yoga in the Park.
Active Living
- Address active transportation connectivity gaps between key community destinations
- Create an active transportation plan or update an existing one
- Conduct a messaging campaign to promote physical activity in your community
- Free and/or low-cost community sports programs for both adults and children
- Organize a free or low-cost fitness event for both adults and youth
- Develop a new walking bike trail or add to existing one
- Provide supplemental infrastructure to improve walk and bike-friendly environments in our community