- Population: 18,000
- Designation Year: Spring 2021, Spring 2024
Vineyard City’s general plan highlights the development of open spaces, parks, and trails, with the goal of having connected community parks within walking distance of all residents. Vineyard organized a Bicycle Advisory Committee, composed of resident volunteers with a passion for cycling. The Bicycle Advisory Committee advised the mayor and city council on bicycle infrastructure improvements and was instrumental in Vineyard City being awarded a Bronze Level Bicycle Friendly Community designation by the League of American Bicyclists. To promote access to healthy foods, Vineyard sponsors a seed exchange program for all residents and has plans to establish a community garden and farmers market.
- Health-related objectives in the city's general plan
- A moderate income housing plan
Access to Healthy Food
- Establish a community garden
- Host a community program to promote healthy eating (seed exchange)
- Other: Created a Gardening in Vineyard Facebook page
Active Living
- Free and/or low-cost community sports/fitness programs for adults and children
- Connected walking and biking trails
- An active transportation plan
Mental Health
- Offered Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) trainings
- Medication disposal services, locations, or programs
- At least one evidence-based program or initiative that provides education, awareness, and training to community members around mental health
2024 Redesignation:
To be redesignated in Spring 2024, Vineyard City worked hard to improve access to healthy food. The city expanded its community garden to accommodate more residents and added a seed exchange program and community vegetable stand. Vineyard also secured its first grocery store.
To improve access to physical activity, Vineyard promoted Safe Routes to Schools by increasing the number of crosswalks throughout the city, and also added a nature walk and enhanced landscaping in its parks.
To support mental health, Vineyard developed mental health packages for its Resource Officers and received an award through One Kind Act a Day for its work to spread kindness throughout local schools and businesses.
Physical Activity
- Improve physical activity among youth by promoting a physical activity resource, program, or best practice in schools
- Develop a new walking/biking trail or add to an existing one
Access to Healthy Food
- Establish a community garden
- Host a community program to promote healthy eating
- Provide support for a grocery store to locate in an underserved area
Mental Health
- Implement one new worksite wellness strategy around mental health among city employees and/or local businesses
- Partner with a local organization to implement a program that supports community mental health