West Haven
- Population: 20,000
- Designation Year: Spring 2022
West Haven is home to eight parks and over 21 miles of paved trails, including a fun, reduced-to-scale, solar system trail that educates visitors while promoting physical activity. It also implemented a new West Haven Limited Ironman Competition that encourages families to run, bike and swim 140.6 miles in 60 days. To provide its residents with access to healthy food, the city offered financial incentives for a grocery store to locate in an underserved area and created a Senior Lunch Bunch group that provides reduced-cost healthy meals for seniors.
- Health-related objectives in the city general plan
- A moderate income housing plan
Access to Healthy Food
- Provided financial incentives for a grocery store to locate in an underserved area
- Host a community program to promote healthy eating
- A community garden
Active Living
- Connected walking and biking trails
- An active transportation plan
- An ordinance that requires new subdivisions to provide sidewalks and lights
Mental Health
- Medication disposal services, locations, or programs
- Offer suicide prevention trainings for individuals and/or organizations in the community
- Train first responders on mental health crises and suicide prevention