Healthy Utah Community

Get Healthy Utah is excited to partner with the Utah League of Cities and Towns to support Healthy Utah Community, a new designation program for cities and towns. This designation recognizes communities across Utah that do an exemplary job of implementing evidence-based strategies to improve community health.

South Jordan

South Jordan

  • Population: 80,000
  • Designation Year: Spring 2024
  • South Jordan offers several fun and exciting ways to stay physically active! Every year, they offer the SoJo Race Series, a year-round series of kids runs, 5ks, and 10ks. They also host a Winter Fitness Challenge where residents can set and meet exercise goals during the cold winter months and report back to receive prizes.

    To promote healthy food access, South Jordan has a weekly farmer's market during the summer, passed ordinances that make it easy for local residents to operate their own produce stand sell home-grown fruits and vegetables, and partnered with the Salt Lake County Aging Services to offer weekday lunches for seniors in the community.

    South Jordan also makes strong efforts to support mental health and safety. They offer onsite and remote wellness classes to their employees, handout free gunlocks to community members, and set up local medication disposal boxes.


    Active Living

    • Offer free and low-cost community sports programs for both adults and children
    • Organize a free or low-cost fitness event for your community
    • Partner with a local organization to implement a physical activity program

    Access to Healthy Food

    • Establish a farmers market
    • Partner with a local organization to implement a healthy eating program
    • Improve the food retailer landscape

    Mental Health

    • Implement a strategy to promote safe use and disposal of medications
    • Implement a strategy to promote safe use of guns
    • Implement one new worksite wellness strategy around mental health among city employees and/or local businesses