Healthy Utah Community

Get Healthy Utah is excited to partner with the Utah League of Cities and Towns to support Healthy Utah Community, a new designation program for cities and towns. This designation recognizes communities across Utah that do an exemplary job of implementing evidence-based strategies to improve community health.



  • Population: 26,949
  • Designation Year: Spring 2021, Spring 2024
  • Magna Metro Township is working towards a city design which supports active living. In addition to conducting a walkability audit, Magna has a general plan to expand walking trails, connect biking paths, and increase the community’s healthy parking signage program. Magna also supports healthy eating by providing a community garden, cooking classes taught by USU Extension, and a healthy after school snack program for children at the local library.



    • A relationship with the local health department 
    • Health-related objectives in our general plan 
    • A moderate income housing plan 

    Access to Healthy Food 

    • A community garden 
    • Other: Kids Cafe- free afterschool food at library for kids 

    Active Living

    • Free and/or low-cost community sports/fitness programs for adults and children 
    • An active transportation plan 
    • An ordinance that requires new subdivisions to provide sidewalks and lights 

    Mental Health 

    • Promoted the use of the SafeUT app in schools and other community centers 
    • Medication disposal services, locations, or programs 
    • Gun locks available for free for community members


    2024 Redesignation:

    To be redesignated in Spring 2024, Magna worked through its Magna United Communities that Care Coalition to provide a variety of health services to its community members. The coalition provided funding for over 5,000 weekend food packs for school food pantries, and provided breakfast over Christmas break for an elementary school with low food access. The coalition also organizes two drug take-back events a year and advertises the medication disposal box located at the local police station. In addition, Magna added an additional mile to their canal trail and plans to add an additional mile this upcoming year that will connect it to another, existing trail that spans multiple cities.


    Active Living

    • Develop a new walking/biking trail

    Access to Healthy Food

    • Improve access to emergency food in the community

    Mental Health

    • Implement a strategy to improve safe use and disposal of medication