Healthy Utah Community

Get Healthy Utah is excited to partner with the Utah League of Cities and Towns to support Healthy Utah Community, a new designation program for cities and towns. This designation recognizes communities across Utah that do an exemplary job of implementing evidence-based strategies to improve community health.



  • Population: 15,400
  • Designation Year: Spring 2023
  • Santaquin created an ongoing section titled "Healthy Santaquin" on their quarterly Santaquin Community Services Board Committee agenda, setting aside time to discuss activities, points of policy, and events that impact the health of residents. The community is proactive in ensuring that residents have fun opportunities to be healthy, including Summer in the Park programs for kids, senior center meals, pickleball courts,and a disc golf course. Santaquin also provided incentives for a grocery store to locate in an underserved area and offers free fitness and stress-reduction classes to city employees as part of their wellness plan.


    Active Living

    • Offer free and/or low cost community sports programs for both adults and children
    • Create an active transportation plan

    Access to Healthy Food

    • Host a community program to promote healthy eating
    • Provide financial incentives for a grocery store to locate in an underserved area

    Mental Health

    • Host a reoccurring community event that promotes social connection for a vulnerable demographic
    • Implement one new worksite wellness strategy around mental health among city employees and/or local businesses