Healthy Utah Community

Get Healthy Utah is excited to partner with the Utah League of Cities and Towns to support Healthy Utah Community, a new designation program for cities and towns. This designation recognizes communities across Utah that do an exemplary job of implementing evidence-based strategies to improve community health.

West Valley

West Valley

  • Population: 139,000
  • Designation Year: Fall 2020, Fall 2023
  • West Valley City was part of the original Healthy Utah Community designation pilot cohort. In Fall 2020, their coalition established low-cost fitness opportunities for residents by improving greenspace and partnering with local organizations to work on a parks prescription program. The coalition developed opportunities for nutritional education through community gardens, farmers markets, and nutrition classes. They created fitness and wellness opportunities by focusing on specific populations, including those with disabilities and veterans, and the coalition arranged free swimming and other recreation classes for low-income and at-risk children.

    *Logan, Spanish Fork, Vernal, and West Valley City were part of a pilot program sponsored by Intermountain Healthcare and the Utah League of Cities and Towns. The strategies completed in these pilot communities may not reflect the current Healthy Utah Community criteria.


    GOAL 1 Expand fitness opportunities for community residents and engage them in new and innovative ways.

    GOAL 2 Promote healthy nutrition through educational and other opportunities.

    GOAL 3 Create new fitness and wellness opportunities for specific populations.

    GOAL 4 Provide life-saving water skills to children, focusing on low-income and at-risk children.

    2023 Redesignation:

    To be redesignated, the Healthy West Valley Committee continued to working on many projects. They completed a community health assessment to understand the health needs of West Valley residents and supported the creation of the West Valley Farmers Market. In addition, they offered health webinars, supported a new community garden, hosted a new Survivors of Suicide Loss Day, and obtained grant funding to provide free and reduced-cost swim lessons to low-income children.

    Active Living

    • Offer free and/or low-cost community sports programs

    Access to Healthy Food

    • Establish a farmers market
    • Establish a community garden

    Mental Health

    • Destigmatize mental illness through a community campaign or event
    • Host a reoccurring community event that promotes social connection among a vulnerable demographic