Trilby Cox
Trilby Cox is Co-Executive Director for Bike Utah, a Utah-based nonprofit. Bike Utah is partnering with Get Healthy Utah and Move Utah for the Connected Communities Summit this fall.
Bike Utah is a statewide nonprofit organization with a mission of making Utah a better place to ride. We envision a Utah where complete active transportation networks and thriving cycling culture contribute to livable, connected, healthy communities, allowing everyone to ride regardless of age, ability, race, or income.
Throughout its nineteen year history, a number of passionate and dedicated staff, board, and volunteers have worked towards that mission through a number of programs and initiatives, focusing on education, planning, and advocacy efforts. A lot of good work has been accomplished over the years. In 2022, the Utah State Legislature tasked Bike Utah with conducting a year-long assessment of cycling needs throughout the state. Completed in June 2023, our findings revealed something beyond the needs of Utah’s residents. Bike Utah’s two main programs (the Bicycle and Safety Education Training (BEST) Program and the 1000 Miles Program) were addressing the needs of those for whom the programs were designed for, but we realized that by combining the efforts of BEST, 1000 Miles, and adding other community engagement, planning, and policy activities we were already doing, we could deliver a more holistic approach to serving Utah communities.
In October 2023, with support from the Utah Highway Department of Public Safety, the Utah Department of Transportation, Salt Lake County, and various foundations, Bike Utah implemented the Community Assistance Program, with all of our work guided by the Five Elements that are key to successful cycling communities in Utah. Our education, engagement, and planning teams work together with community groups, schools, nonprofit organizations, tribes, and government agencies to identify and address community-specific barriers to cycling in order to create a safer and more bike-friendly environment that is meaningful to residents.
Examples of our assistance can include, but are not limited to:
- Active transportation planning,
- Tactical urbanism/pop-up projects,
- Safe routes to schools planning,
- Safe cycling training and implementation,
- Bike bus training and implementation,
- School program support,
- Bike maintenance events,
- Community workshops,
- Community rides and events.
Although Bike Utah’s Community Assistance Program is still relatively new, we have already accepted a good number of applications and are excited to be working with communities across the state to support their plans to make Utah a better place to ride.
Are you interested in how you can partner with Bike Utah? Visit Bike Utah's website to fill out an application today!